Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Week 23 . . . Be Thankful

Hey folks,
This week is Thanksgiving in the United States. I know we don't all celebrate this holiday, but for those of us that do, this will be a busy week.  Before we hit the crazy rush of the holidays, let's take time out to pause and be thankful for all we have been blessed with.  

Thanksgiving is a very family-centric holiday, so I propose we share a dish that reminds us of our own family.  It may express your heritage or geographical region, or it may just be something that reminds you of home, wherever that may be.  (After all, if you want to truly experience a country through it's food, dine with a local family!)

For our non-american members, if there is a big national holiday that is closely associated with food, perhaps we can celebrate it through or travels- just let me know when and how we could do that!

Let's also welcome our newest member, Rosa of Cooking with Rosie!

Happy Travels, and Happy Thanksgiving!  



rosasdolcevita said...

Hi Lauren!
Thanks for adding me to the group! I'm looking forward to participating and trying new recipes from around the world. Great job with the blog.

Michelle Dargen said...

Welcome Rosabela! I hope you like traveling around the world with us.

I hope everyone has a fantastic Turkey Day! I can't wait to see what everyone makes.

Dewi said...

Have a wonderful Thanksgiving everybody!

Valerie Harrison (bellini) said...

Have a wonderful Thanksgiving with your family and friends Lauren:D Best wishes always:D